WCRIS supports the unique missions of member schools through advocacy, education and partnerships, to ensure an extraordinary education and equitable opportunity for each child.

Thank you to our partners!

DPI Private School Report Due Next Month

All private schools must submit the PI-1207: Private School Report to the DPI by Oct. 15.

Not only is promptly submitting the report required by state law, it also confirms to the DPI that your school is open and active and ensures your school is eligible for certain funding opportunities, like the federal Title Programs under the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The report asks for basic information about your school, including enrollment numbers and communication preferences. Schools submit the form online here.

If you have questions about the PI-1207, please contact WCRIS.
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Social Media 'Threat Wave' Impacts Wisconsin Schools

September 19, 2024
Schools nationwide are receiving anonymous, but specific, school shooting threats via Snapchat, TikTok and Instagram. Schools in Wisconsin have been affected, according to the Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of School Safety (OSS). The OSS recognizes the difficulty of responding to threats from an unknown perpetrator and shared resources for schools on Saturday. WCRIS would [...]
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Congressional Committee Passes Historic School Choice Bill

September 12, 2024
Yesterday, the House Ways and Means Committee passed the Educational Choice for Children Act of 2024 (ECCA). This is the first time in history a congressional committee has passed a national school choice bill, according to the Council for American Private Education (CAPE). The act would set-up billions of dollars in federal tax credits for [...]
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School Safety Resources Coming Soon

September 05, 2024
Our hearts are breaking for all those affected by yesterday’s tragic incident in Georgia. School safety is a priority for WCRIS, and we have partnered with an organization to bring more school safety resources to our members, for free. Watch your email next week for a special update on school safety workshops and resources that [...]
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We support policies that align with our core beliefs:

  1. All children have the right to quality, affordable education.
  2. Economic status should not determine whether a child receives a quality education.
  3. Our educational system must be designed to facilitate the growth of quality educational institutions, both public and private.
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